Friday, September 12, 2008

Look What I Did!

OK, so I've gotten off to a slow start with this blogging thing.  But I've been really really busy.  Doing this....  It's not grouted yet, and obviously we will have electrical outlet covers, but I just couldn't wait to show it to you!  It's travertine 3x8 subway tile with an inset of 2x3 subway tile in a herringbone pattern set on the diagonal over the cooktop. 

This should rightfully be titled, "Look What WE Did" since my DH rented and set up the tile saw, cut a whole lot of tile, mixed mortar for me, and cheered me on.  I laid ALL the tile myself though.  Can you tell I'm very impressed with myself??

We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with our kitchen remodel.  After grouting and sealing the backsplash we just need to order the cabinet doors, paint and install them and paint the walls and trim and BE DONE!  Oh, did I mention wiping the gritty dust out of all the cabinets and drawers?  Yeah, that could take awhile!


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