Saturday, November 15, 2008


Several years ago I felt I was drowning in laundry.  There is always more laundry to do. It is never finished.  And since my campaign to get my family to not wear clothes (and not eat for that matter) had failed, I decided I needed to get a handle on these piles of clothing taking over my life.

I used to do the "load a day" method. But the downside of that is that you feel like you're always doing laundry because, well, you're always doing laundry.  So I switched to a real, honest to goodness laundry day.  I try to stay home on Monday and not schedule anything like appointments, volunteering to drive for the school field trip, lunches with friends, etc. I use Mondays to restore order and sort of recover from the weekend. (I once shared that with a single college student and I loved the quizzical look as she said, "recover from the weekend?"  Just you wait till you have three teenagers going three different directions every weekend, sweetie!!!)

But I digress.  Back to laundry.  So, I thought if I'm focusing on my home on Mondays, why not do ALL the laundry on that one day. Get it finished and folded and delivered to the kids' rooms (they put it away) and be done with it.  So that's what I have done for about 5 years now.  But being the second-guessing ninny that I am, now I'm wondering if I should go back to the load a day, or load every other day method.  Then it's not so overwhelming and it works if I can't be home all day on Monday for one reason or another. laundry day or not laundry day. That is the question!  Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Kimba said...

I struggle with this one too. I go back and forth. For a while, I'll do really well with the 1 load a day approach. Then I'll get all backed up and go to the get it all done at once approach.

And hey! That's my sister commenting above me! How funny!